The Trendsetter in Canine Performance Video!™


Trailer Summary for Competitive Agility Training: Obstacle Training

Posted by Doug Calhoun

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The director of Flashpaws Agility Training Center in Texas, Jane Simmons-Moake is not only an author and an award winning agility competitor, but an avid teacher. Her impressive career has led to the production of the Canine Training Systems Award Winning video series on Competitive Agility Training. Carol Morris, who reviewed the set, said that the “tapes are superior not only for their content, but their clarity.” The first video in the series instructs viewers about tunnel training. The trailer goes into depth about overcoming reluctance, tunnel entry paths, and increasing distance. This video also covers the basics of many other obstacles in agility, such as: weave poles, the a-frame, the see-saw, jumps and the tire. This video is perfect to build a strong agility foundation for competition success.


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