The Trendsetter in Canine Performance Video!™


Trailer Summary for Clicker Fun: Click & Go- Getting Started

Posted by Doug Calhoun

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This award winning video series highlights the work of Dr. Deb Jones who specializes in social behavior and learning theories. This trailer touches on shaping, targeting, luring, and fading. All of these are further highlighted in her video series Clicker Fun with Dr. Deborah Jones. During the Click and Go: Getting Started trailer the clarity of the instructions and information makes this video easy for anyone to understand. Dr. Jones makes relatable references that reinforce her training techniques and teaching ability. For example, in the video she mentions Killer Whales and operant techniques relate directly to dogs. There series was written in a light hearted clear manner and is ideal for kids or novices to operant training methods.



Trailer Summary for Competitive Agility Training: Obstacle Training

Posted by Doug Calhoun

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The director of Flashpaws Agility Training Center in Texas, Jane Simmons-Moake is not only an author and an award winning agility competitor, but an avid teacher. Her impressive career has led to the production of the Canine Training Systems Award Winning video series on Competitive Agility Training. Carol Morris, who reviewed the set, said that the “tapes are superior not only for their content, but their clarity.” The first video in the series instructs viewers about tunnel training. The trailer goes into depth about overcoming reluctance, tunnel entry paths, and increasing distance. This video also covers the basics of many other obstacles in agility, such as: weave poles, the a-frame, the see-saw, jumps and the tire. This video is perfect to build a strong agility foundation for competition success.



Does this Clicker make me look fat?

When dog trainers are asked if they know what moment markers are, they invariably say "Yes, absolutely", and go on to explain the benefits and how great an idea it is to use them.  For anyone that doesn't know, a moment marker is just a signal (usually auditory) that the behavior that occurred at the moment of the "mark" was the target behavior the trainer was looking for.  It pinpoints a behavior in time for the dog.  When the mark is consistently paired with a primary reinforcer (food, toy, etc.), conditioning occurs.  The mark will come to elicit the same emotional reponse the primary reinforcer does.  At that point it's called a secondary reinforcer.  It doesn't happen immediately but can happen very quickly.  If a moment marker is followed by a reward, then the behavior that resulted in reward becomes important to the dog and he's more likely to repeat it.  It's pretty straightforward stuff.

Because markers isolate moments in time, it's a very clear, clean way to communicate with the dog in terms he understands.  As long as the marker/reward relationship is maintained, the strength and durability will remain.  Because dogs are masters of physical cues and body language, an auditory marker cuts through the static and makes target behavior identification very clear.  Simply listen for the mark!

Canine Training Systems ClickerI've seen and recorded dog trainers for years in the process of producing our award winning instructional titles and as the trends in training have leaned toward more "clean" techniques, the question of whether people use markers is asked more and more often.  The answer is almost invariably yes.  When asked what is used as a marker, the most common response is the word "yes" or "good".  Here's the hitch.  When many trainers claim they use markers, and I speak from having watched countless hours of video footage of it, they actually don't.  What often happens is that the verbal marker is changed, the inflection of it's use varies and it's appearance in training is very inconsistent.  BUT....some is better than none.  The majority of trainers are using a reward based system for teaching and shaping new behaviors and providing some level of feedback to the dog!  Even if a dog is trained with nothing more than leash and collar, it's better that he at least be told when he did the right thing than simply be punished for not doing it.  He would have a chance...

The clicker is a small plastic and tin noise maker devoid of emotion.  It does one thing.  It makes a unique sound.  It's a piece of equipment.  It's no different than a collar, leash, toy or any inanimate object.  Using one is simple.  From watching hours and hours of footage, I've observed that when a clicker is used, training is more thoughtful, marks are more well placed, progression is more rapid and problems are overcome more quickly.  I use one occasionally but should more often for many things.  A lot of people have issues with what's termed "clicker training".  What's meant by this term, generally speaking, is the use of purely reward based methods, with no behavioral consequence other than absence of reward.  No problem, if that's how someone wants to train, it's fine by me.  The opposite of a reward is, in the end, simply withholding that reward.  Corrections are something entirely different.

Because a clicker uses different skeletal muscles than speech and requires some effort to be accurate, it insists on attention to detail.  It's a unique sound to the environment (unless you train in a clicker testing facility) and requires thoughtful application.  The only con to using one is not always having one at the ready when you need it.  The worst thing that can happen in this instance is that your verbal marker timing is better and more consistent through practice with a clicker!  Not a bad trade off!  I'd recommend giving a clicker a try if you don't use one already and see if clearer marking benefits your training.  At the end of the day, that's what really matters.





The Long Road

I just had the most amazing weekend of my life.

On Friday afternoon I left to go to the Greater Kansas City Dog Training Club’s double trial on Saturday with Rick and Riva in tow. I got down there Friday night in time to do the training match only to discover that I had left Rick’s dumbbell at home. This was a first in 35 years of showing dogs :-) Several kind souls offered up various dumbbells for Rick’s use, and after a few practice throws, Rick decided the replacement was ok :-)

Rick went in to the weekend with 96 OTCH points, so a couple second places would do the trick. He placed second in Open at the first trial with a 197 ½ for two points, so we only had two points to go! At the second trial, Rick won Utility with 198 for ten more points, and finished his OTCH! Good Boy Triple Champion Rick! The GKCDTC really knows how to put on a show, Rick won a bunch of goodies including a gas card for first place, and a utility bar that people signed like a MACH bar, what a cool idea!
Newly crowned OTCH Rick, Riva, and I left Kansas City on Saturday night for the five hour drive to Tulsa, where Riva was entered in a VST (Variable Surface Tracking) test on Sunday. We didn’t share that information with very many people, as I wanted to just travel under the radar. Sunday morning dawned sunny and WARM. We were lucky enough to draw Track 2, before the sun really kicked in.

The track started on grass. Riva started beautifully, and shortly down the track, a neighborhood boxer charged the fence barking at Riva, which badly startled us both. Unknown to me at the time, that happened close to the first turn (a short first leg.) I thought the first leg would be longer, and when Riva went down the second leg of the track I wondered if she was just trying to get away from the barking, snarling Boxer. Since she seemed to be tracking, I made the (good) decision to go with her. Riva then entered the opening to a covered parking garage. As she went in to the garage, her nose turned to the left, and she then continued forward, all the way through the garage and out the other end. When she came out of the garage, she cast around a bit but didn’t commit, so we backed up and worked our way back in to the garage. Riva went down the second half of the garage, then broke off and came back, and we worked our way back towards the original opening. Riva’s nose then snagged on the crack in the pavement, and off she went, and we soon spied an article ahead of us (a crushed wire basket of some kind.) GOOD GIRLIE!

Off we went after the article, and the track came out of the parking garage and after a little casting, Riva hung a right. We then went through some sidewalks and other areas and came to the corner of the building, where Riva turned hard left. Over sidewalks, grass, bricks, and to another article (bandana). NOW I was getting nervous.

After the second article, the track crossed a road and went in to a grassy area. Riva showed loss of track and went left. As I followed her I questioned her whether it really went that way, and she broke off and turned around and went right. Now I knew we were on the last leg and my heart was pounding. After our near miss at her last test in October, I didn’t think I could take that disappointment again. Riva too knew we were at the end, and she was diving on every piece of trash she could find that might be an article. Her tongue was hanging out and she was getting HOT. Finally, ahead of us, was a plastic article with the coveted number four on it, and our long training journey culminated in a PASS, a Tracking Champion, an AKC Versatility Champion, and now a QUINTUPLE Champion (Riva is now a conformation champion, an agility champion, an obedience champion, a herding champion and, finally, a tracking champion.)
Just like the obedience club the day before, the Indian Nations Tracking Club knows how to do up a tracking test, with a beautiful plaque customized with Riva’s name on it and a place for a picture, and longtime INTC member Ruth Harris donated $100 per pass so each passing team received their entry fee back. Wow! There was also another pass, a 12 year old Border Terrier, who had had some of the same “near misses” at previous tests that Riva had had. A very exciting day for the old girls (and I mean the dogs, not their handlers <g>)!

An OTCH on Saturday and a CT/Quintuple CH on Sunday, oh MY.

I have many people to thank, and I hope I don’t forget anybody. First of all the biggest thanks goes to my long suffering husband George who had to listen to more whining then anybody else and deal with the occasional tears after the flunks. Thanks to my friend Dee Nelson who started the VST journey with me and laid MANY MANY tracks for Riva. I especially remember one day that Dee and I tracked with Riva and Powder in the rain at Iowa Western, and we marveled at what our dogs could do. Also thanks to Dee Dee Rose who turned me on to Steve White and the HITT tracking method (Hydration Intensified Tracking Training). Thanks to my friend Sharon Brewer for the many, many hours spent discussing tracking, VST, and various other subjects <g> often over a bottle (or two!) of wine. Thanks also to Bert, Linda, Pam, Deb, Norine, and Peggy for listening for literally years about this tracking thing I wanted so badly. HUGE thanks to Jerry Lewis for his inspiration, his positive energy, and his constant belief that Riva and I could do this. Thanks to Vince Ramirez for the training advice over the years, and who said to me as I went out on Riva’s track Sunday morning that my dog DESERVED to pass. Thanks to Dian Quist Sulek who told me to NEVER give up, and who laid many tracks for Riva and offered up much advice and encouragement. Thanks to the judges Carol Clark and Charlene Dunn, who plotted a fair and doable track, and then gave Riva and I the time and space to be succesful. And thanks to the Indian Nations Tracking Club, especially Bob and Gail Brown, for their hard work and wonderful hospitality.

Obviously, it takes a village to earn a VST :-)

This is truly the HARDEST thing I have EVER done in dogs, and this is spoken by the person who was the world’s biggest herding idiot ten years ago. What I went through to get the VST made the HC’s look easy :-)

But the biggest thanks of all goes to my wonderful Riva, my best girl friend and my constant companion. Riva is almost 13 years old, and what she has accomplished is nothing short of incredible. George and I shared a bottle of wine when I got home late on Sunday night, and we talked about how the time had been growing short for Riva to earn this title. I told George that I would have walked away from the quest in a heartbeat, but not once did Riva ever say to me, “You know, I really don’t care to do this any more”. She was ALWAYS up and ready to go when I said “Do you wanna go track?”

And of course the excitment and elation is tinged with a hint of sadness, as the training journey really has come to an end. How lucky was I to have met up with this incredible animal. I hope that she feels the same.

Gerianne and Quintuple Champion Riva


Road to the Worlds 2012

2012 started out as a pretty uneventful year for me....but is ending with a bang. Making history is not easy!!!!  This year I qualified for 2 world champioships, in 2 different sports, with 2 different dogs....and I am going...yes I am crazy!!!   I am representing the AWDF this year at the FCI IPO 3 world championships with Italo zet Eurosportu AND representing USMRA at the Mondioring World championships with my Malinois Enoch van Joefarm.   No other trainer in the USA has ever accomplished this feat....and let me tell you it is not easy!!!!  Italo, my IPO dog is a GSD from the Eurosport breeding.  My Malinois Enoch is from Joe Farm.  I am leaving Sept 13th for the FCI in Hungary and returning Sept 24, only to get back on a transcontinental flight 5 days later to go to France with Enoch!!!  Needless to say...we are doing a ton of training at the moment! I am going to update this blog every few days to give a progress report of training. I may even surprise everyone with some training footage on vid. Stay tuned!! Dave


Some Breathing Room

The new site is finally live!  It's been an arduous process but well worth it.  We have a blog, forum, and plenty of room for growth.  Our previous site was well organized but a bit clunky.  The new site architecture will allow for growth in multiple directions in many ways and we're really excited about it.  We still have some things to do behind the scenes and will have some announcements to make in the near future but we hope you'll take advantage of what's available now.


The new site offers :


Expanded Expert Bios- Many of the bios have been updated and expanded.  We've made things easier to navigate and access to information in multiple locations.


Project Pages- information from behind the scenes.  What went into production, what happened along the way and what we did during the process.  We have a few done but quite a few more to do.


FAQ's and Articles- we get lots of questions and requests and this area will be the repository for lots of great information from our experts in response to your questions and more!  This will go live in the coming weeks so get your questions in.


The Forum- your opportunity to network, share and benefit from the experience of others.  What's great is that our forum has an App that allows you to stay in touch 24/7 on your Apple devices, Android is coming soon.


The Blog- a view of our Digital Notepad.  You'll see things here that you won't find anywhere else.  Tips and stories from our Technical Experts, stories from the road, occasional Video Blog entries and a look into the seminars of our experts.


The Video Gallery- The Video Gallery has been updated and we can now sort video in multiple ways and deliver to multiple areas of the site at the click of a button.  We can also list clips from other outlets in our Miscellaneous Clips section.  We see lots of clips on YouTube and Facebook and can collect them in categories as a reference or for viewing at your leisure.


There's more on the way and we're open to your suggestions as well.  Many of you have been our customers for years and we'd like to just say "Thank You" for your continued support and business!


Canine Training Systems' The Foundations of Competitive Working Dogs: Obedience 3 with Joanne Fleming has been selected as a 2011 MarCom Gold Award Winner.

Columbia, MO- November 07, 2011- Canine Training Systems, the leading provider of broadcast quality instructional training titles for sport, service and companion dogs, today announced that The MarCom Creative Awards has selected their most recent offering, The Foundations of Competitive Working Dogs with Joanne Fleming: Obedience 3, Heeling, the Recall and Motion Exercises as a 2011 MarCom Gold Award Winner. 

The MarCom Gold Award was awarded to those entries judged to exceed the high standards of the industry norm.  Approximately 18 percent of the entries won this award.  MarCom is administered by the AMCP (Association of Marketing and Communication Professionals), an international organization consisting of several thousand creative professionals.  A look at winners shows a range in size from individual communicators to media conglomerates and Fortune 500 companies.  The competition is so well respected in the industry that national public relations organizations, local ad clubs and local business communicator chapters are entrants.

Obedience 3 extends the depth of instructional content with Joanne Fleming, a Canadian dog sport competitor and coach known for her powerful motivational approach to dog training.  Joanne's students have achieved multiple high-in-trials, Regional and National wins as well as International placements in competitive obedience and the dog sports Schutzhund and IPO. In 2007 Joanne won the LV DVG America Schutzhund Championships and went on to place 5th at the DVG Bundessieger Prüfung in Germany with her dog Enno vom Fuchsstein.  She has competed with 5 breeds in multiple disciplines with tremendous success and attracts crowds at her many seminars on multiple continents.

“Trainers at any level, whether pet trainers, top flight competitors or professionals will appreciate this instructional title,” commented Doug Calhoun, writer, director and producer.  “The information is based in science behind the way animals learn, a standard for Canine Training Systems titles, it’s what makes our titles the best.”

Product Highlights

  • This production details the final steps in preparation for world class heeling
  • The integration of verbal markers into the training routine is demonstrated
  • Through the concept of discrimination learning, the dog is taught correct gymnastic skills for correct turns in heeling while common problems are discussed and solutions presented
  • The sit, down and stand are taught as “positions” and integration into complete motion exercises is detailed.
  • This Hi-Definition, 16:9 aspect ratio production is available in both the English and German language on professionally authored and replicated DVD for playback on the widest variety of consumer equipment

Pricing and Availability

The Foundations of Competitive Working Dogs with Joanne Fleming: Obedience 3, Heeling, the Recall and Motion Exercises, is immediately available through the Canine Training Systems worldwide reseller channel and direct from the Canine Training Systems website at for an MSRP of $69.95.  The website contains a detailed outline as well as excerpts from the 72 minute title. 

About Canine Training Systems

Founded in 1987, Canine Training Systems is the worldwide leader in instructional titles for pet owners, dog sport competitors and industry professionals.  The company’s success lies in its ability to couple with the experts in service, sport and companion dog training and deliver their techniques to consumers through the most up-to-date delivery formats.  With the strength of their growing expert list, no other organization in the market place can offer the variety of techniques, disciplines, depth of knowledge or quality of product that Canine Training Systems provides it’s worldwide customer base.

Canine Training Systems Press Contact

Douglas Calhoun
+1(573) 214-0900


Canine Training Systems' The Foundations of Competitive Working Dogs: Obedience 3 with Joanne Fleming has been selected as a 2011 DV Award Winner.

Columbia, MO- June 25, 2011- Canine Training Systems, the leading provider of broadcast quality instructional training titles for sport, service and companion dogs, today announced that the DV Awards has selected their most recent offering, The Foundations of Competitive Working Dogs with Joanne Fleming: Obedience 3, Heeling, the Recall and Motion Exercises as a 2011 DV Award Winner. 

The DV Awards are graded on various items including creativity, technical merit and execution of ideas.  A nominating committee views and recommends entries to quality as Finalists.  From there they are viewed by a panel of judges that are seasoned professionals in the industry with an average of 20 years experience.  They have a diverse background representing all areas of production including cinematography, art direction, editing, sound, scriptwriting, animation and visual effects.

Obedience 3 extends the depth of instructional content with Joanne Fleming, a Canadian dog sport competitor and coach known for her powerful motivational approach to dog training.  Joanne's students have achieved multiple high-in-trials, Regional and National wins as well as International placements in competitive obedience and the dog sports Schutzhund and IPO. In 2007 Joanne won the LV DVG America Schutzhund Championships and went on to place 5th at the DVG Bundessieger Prüfung in Germany with her dog Enno vom Fuchsstein.  She has competed with 5 breeds in multiple disciplines with tremendous success and attracts crowds at her many seminars on multiple continents.

“Having been in the industry since the late 1980’s, there are few trainers that bring what Joanne does to the training equation” commented Doug Calhoun, writer, director and producer.  “There is something intrinsically rewarding in producing titles for the betterment of dog sport and Joanne is a big part of that.”

Product Highlights

            • This production details the final steps in preparation for world class heeling

            • The integration of verbal markers into the training routine is demonstrated

            • Through the concept of discrimination learning, the dog is taught correct

                gymnastic skills for correct turns in heeling while common problems are

                discussed and solutions presented

            • The sit, down and stand are taught as “positions” and integration into

               complete motion exercises is detailed.

            • This Hi-Definition, 16:9 aspect ratio production is available in both the

               English and German language on professionally authored and replicated

               DVD for playback on the widest variety of consumer equipment

Pricing and Availability

The Foundations of Competitive Working Dogs with Joanne Fleming: Obedience 3, Heeling, the Recall and Motion Exercises, is immediately available through the Canine Training Systems worldwide reseller channel and direct from the Canine Training Systems website at for an MSRP of $69.95.  The website contains a detailed outline as well as excerpts from the 72 minute title. 

About Canine Training Systems

Founded in 1987, Canine Training Systems is the worldwide leader in instructional titles for pet owners, dog sport competitors and industry professionals.  The company’s success lies in its ability to couple with the experts in service, sport and companion dog training and deliver their techniques to consumers through the most up-to-date delivery formats.  With the strength of their growing expert list, no other organization in the market place can offer the variety of techniques, disciplines, depth of knowledge or quality of product that Canine Training Systems provides it’s worldwide customer base.

Canine Training Systems Press Contact

Douglas Calhoun

+1(573) 214-0900


Canine Training Systems' The Foundations of Competitive Working Dogs: Obedience 3 with Joanne Fleming has been selected as 2011 Videographer Award of Excellence Winner.

Columbia, MO- June 01, 2011- Canine Training Systems, the leading provider of broadcast quality instructional training titles for sport, service and companion dogs, today announced that The Videographer Awards has selected their most recent offering, The Foundations of Competitive Working Dogs with Joanne Fleming: Obedience 3, Heeling, the Recall and Motion Exercises as a 2011 Videographer Award of Excellence Winner. 

The Videographer Award of Excellence was awarded to those projects that judges deemed were written, produced, shot and edited in an exceptional manner.  Approximately 14 percent of the entries won this award.  Award of Exellence winners are listed on the Videographer Awards website at

Obedience 3 extends the depth of instructional content with Joanne Fleming, a Canadian dog sport competitor and coach known for her powerful motivational approach to dog training.  Joanne's students have achieved multiple high-in-trials, Regional and National wins as well as International placements in competitive obedience and the dog sports Schutzhund and IPO. In 2007 Joanne won the LV DVG America Schutzhund Championships and went on to place 5th at the DVG Bundessieger Prüfung in Germany with her dog Enno vom Fuchsstein.  She has competed with 5 breeds in multiple disciplines with tremendous success and attracts crowds at her many seminars on multiple continents.

“Joanne’s methodical approach to training dovetails with our approach to production,” commented Doug Calhoun, writer, director and producer.  “It’s not only about conveying a methodology of training, but presenting it in a beautiful way that gives appreciation to what dogs mean to us in coupled with creative story telling.”


Product Highlights

            • This production details the final steps in preparation for world class heeling

            • The integration of verbal markers into the training routine is demonstrated

            • Through the concept of discrimination learning, the dog is taught correct

                gymnastic skills for correct turns in heeling while common problems are

                discussed and solutions presented

            • The sit, down and stand are taught as “positions” and integration into

               complete motion exercises is detailed.

            • This Hi-Definition, 16:9 aspect ratio production is available in both the

               English and German language on professionally authored and replicated

               DVD for playback on the widest variety of consumer equipment.


Pricing and Availability

The Foundations of Competitive Working Dogs with Joanne Fleming: Obedience 3, Heeling, the Recall and Motion Exercises, is immediately available through the Canine Training Systems worldwide reseller channel and direct from the Canine Training Systems website at for an MSRP of $69.95.  The website contains a detailed outline as well as excerpts from the 72 minute title. 


About Canine Training Systems

Founded in 1987, Canine Training Systems is the worldwide leader in instructional titles for pet owners, dog sport competitors and industry professionals.  The company’s success lies in its ability to couple with the experts in service, sport and companion dog training and deliver their techniques to consumers through the most up-to-date delivery formats.  With the strength of their growing expert list, no other organization in the market place can offer the variety of techniques, disciplines, depth of knowledge or quality of product that Canine Training Systems provides it’s worldwide customer base.


Canine Training Systems Press Contact


Douglas Calhoun

+1(573) 214-0900


Canine Training Systems' The Foundations of Competitive Working Dogs: Obedience 3 with Joanne Fleming has been selected as a 2011 Hermes Creative Gold Award Winner.

Columbia, MO- April 04, 2011- Canine Training Systems, the leading provider of broadcast quality instructional training titles for sport, service and companion dogs, today announced that The Hermes Creative Awards has selected their most recent offering, The Foundations of Competitive Working Dogs with Joanne Fleming: Obedience 3, Heeling, the Recall and Motion Exercises as a 2011 Hermes Creative Gold Award Winner.  The Gold Award is presented to those judged to exceed the high standards of the industry norm.

The Hermes Creative Awards is an international competition for creative professionals involved in the concept, writing and design of traditional and emerging media.  Hermes Creative Awards recognizes outstanding work in the industry while promoting the philanthropic nature of marketing and communication professionals.  Hermes is administered and judged by the AMCP (Association of Marketing and Communications Professionals) which consists of several thousand marketing, communication, advertising, public relations, media promotion and free-lance professionals.  Judges are industry professionals who look for companies and individuals whose talent exceeds a high standard of excellence and whose work serves as a benchmark for the industry.

Obedience 3 extends the depth of instructional content with Joanne Fleming, a Canadian dog sport competitor and coach known for her powerful motivational approach to dog training.  Joanne's students have achieved multiple high-in-trials, Regional and National wins as well as International placements in competitive obedience and the dog sports Schutzhund and IPO. In 2007 Joanne won the LV DVG America Schutzhund Championships and went on to place 5th at the DVG Bundessieger Prüfung in Germany with her dog Enno vom Fuchsstein.  She has competed with 5 breeds in multiple disciplines with tremendous success and attracts crowds at her many seminars on multiple continents.

“Joanne’s methodical approach to training produces not only a dog that enjoys training but also fosters the intangible bond that’s achieved through working with animals when they are a partner in the process,” commented Doug Calhoun, writer, director and producer.  “Joanne is a trainer among trainers and dogs trained in her method are unmistakable when seen; precision coupled with love of working”

Product Highlights

            • This production details the final steps in preparation for world class heeling

            • The integration of verbal markers into the training routine is demonstrated

            • Through the concept of discrimination learning, the dog is taught correct

                gymnastic skills for correct turns in heeling while common problems are

                discussed and solutions presented

            • The sit, down and stand are taught as “positions” and integration into

               complete motion exercises is detailed.


            • This Hi-Definition, 16:9 aspect ratio production is available in both the

               English and German language on professionally authored and replicated

               DVD for playback on the widest variety of consumer equipment.

Pricing and Availability

The Foundations of Competitive Working Dogs with Joanne Fleming: Obedience 3, Heeling, the Recall and Motion Exercises, is immediately available through the Canine Training Systems worldwide reseller channel and direct from the Canine Training Systems website at for an MSRP of $69.95.  The website contains a detailed outline as well as excerpts from the 72 minute title. 

About Canine Training Systems

Founded in 1987, Canine Training Systems is the worldwide leader in instructional titles for pet owners, dog sport competitors and industry professionals.  The company’s success lies in its ability to couple with the experts in service, sport and companion dog training and deliver their techniques to consumers through the most up-to-date delivery formats.  With the strength of their growing expert list, no other organization in the market place can offer the variety of techniques, disciplines, depth of knowledge or quality of product that Canine Training Systems provides it’s worldwide customer base.

Canine Training Systems Press Contact

Douglas Calhoun

+1(573) 214-0900

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